
Starter code for the Duke project

This project is maintained by eugenetyc

User Guide

Duke Showcase

E-1337 is a Personal Assistant Chatbot which stores and records your to-dos, deadlines, events, and loans. This User Guide will demonstrate how to use its capabilities, such that users will have a smooth and productive experience with the software.

Start Program

Note: this file will be used for subsequent launches of the program, hence any edits will be reflected the next launch.
Note: Should this file be absent, a new empty file will be created in its place.

Task Types

There are 4 types of Tasks that E-1337 can process. These include:





The help command provides the users with a list of instructions on how to use the chatbot.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Help Command

Add a Task

The format for adding Tasks is as follows:
<Task Type> <Task Name> </separator> <Date (YYYY-MM-DD) or Loan Value>

Add a ToDo

For ToDo Tasks, simply type todo and the Task name.

Example of usage:

todo Good

Expected outcome:

ToDo Example

Add a Deadline

For Deadline Tasks, /by separates the Task name and the deadline of completion.

Example of usage:

deadline Software Engineering Project /by 2019-4-6

Expected outcome:

Deadline Example

Add an Event

For Event Tasks, /at separates the Task name and the date of the Event.

Example of usage:

event Samuel's Birthday Party /at 2019-5-5

Expected outcome:

Event Example

Add a Loan

For Loan Tasks, /value separates the name of the other party and the value involved.

Example of usage:

loan Judy /value 18

Expected outcome:

Loan Example

List All Tasks

To list down all Tasks that have been recorded, simply use the command list.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

List Command

Should the list of Tasks be empty, running the list command gives the outcome below.

Empty List

Marking Tasks as Done

To indicate a Task has been Done, we simply use done <index number>.

Example of usage:

done 4

Expected outcome:

Done Command

Find Tasks by Keywords

E-1337 can help find Tasks by keywords, regardless if the kaywords entered are full or partial, uppercase or lowercase. To do so, simply use the find <keyword> command.

Example of usage:

Full List

Expected outcome:

Find Command

Delete Tasks

To delete Tasks, simply perform the delete <index> command.

Example of usage:

delete 4

Expected outcome:

Delete 4 Command

We can also delete Multiple Tasks with their index number specified.

Example of usage:

Example List

delete 3 5

Expected outcome:

Delete 3 5

We can also delete the entire list using delete all.

Example of usage:

Example List

delete all

Expected outcome:

Delete All

Exit the Program

Besides clicking the Close Window button, E-1337 also facilitates exiting the program via chat. To do so, simply use the bye command, which E-1337 responds with a farewell greeting, before exiting in 3 seconds.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:



The project uses references from tutorials by Jeffry Lum (@j-lum) for JavaFX.
